The Way to Happiness Course Success
"I feel that in doing The Way to Happiness Course I have found some things that I simply overlooked in the past. I always heard some of these basics, like not doing drugs, taking care of oneself, and treating others equally, but I really didn't apply them; I guess because I'm the type who has to make things complicated in order to live!
"After doing this course, I've begun to think about others before I act or say something that may offend that person. I now see that a lot of times I thought that my thoughts and beliefs were all that mattered, almost like I was above other people. I don't think I ever really thought myself better than others, yet I did think that I knew more than I really did. I feel that sometimes I may have actually disrespected or angered others by not listening to them or respecting their opinions. I feel The Way to Happiness has made my life a little easier because a lot of trouble is avoided when you live with integrity and love and respect others.
"Also the final chapter of the booklet, the epilogue, was also powerful for me because it speaks of there always being an opportunity to map a new road in one's life, and I have begun to travel on a new and improved road and I have faith that my happiness will be found. Thank you very much."
Handling Suppression Course Success
by CW
"I feel that by completing the 'Handling Suppression' course I have gained skills in every day life that I did not have before. For example, by understanding what the attributes of an antisocial personality are, I can be more prepared for such people and also be able to recognize them. Also by understanding Potential Trouble Source types one, two and three, I came to better understand a few problems in my life and have since been able to work them out by using the potential trouble source handling steps.
"I found the Course extremely interesting and stimulating. I was surprised on how much information was contained in the booklet and felt the questions really helped me look into all the information given and learn a lot. I really enjoyed the course very much. Thank you a lot."